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The news of Roe being overturned is beyond gutting. And I encourage everyone to take the time they need to grieve, rage, scream, what have you. Once that’s done, though, I urge you all, with every fiber of my being, to recruit everyone you know to join us in fighting back. I hope it’s become clear to all Americans that we’re at war. The other side is malevolent, they’re organized, they’re racist, and sexist, and bigoted, and duplicitous, and they don’t give a damn anymore if anyone knows it.

They are willing to openly abuse their power, and that’s what they’re doing.

Lots of people in this country have known forever that this was going to happen. Most marginalized communities have lived in this reality nonstop; they are likely shaking their heads in astonishment that we’re even surprised.

Others have enjoyed the privilege of thinking we were safe.

Now we ALL know we’re not. None of us. It’s painful, but it’s also better to know. The truth is always what sets us free. Even if the truth hurts like hell.

So today we cry. We rail. We rage. We protest.

Tomorrow we organize.

Remember, the far right have gotten where they are due to our apathy. The average citizen has been paying no attention, and they’ve taken massive advantage of it.

They are counting on that apathy to continue. They expect our outrage to rise, and then quickly recede, like a tide at flood. They are counting on it. Who can blame them? It’s almost always what happens, at least for us more privileged folks.

But if the average American—I mean all of us—defies this trend, and turns our attention to fighting back, and doesn’t lose focus, we are well positioned to win.

For now.

If we don’t, they will fortify their position, take away the voting rights we still have, and this will be a much longer and bloodier fight. We may not win it.

So here’s what we need to do. It’s attainable. We need to turn out in these midterm elections the same way we did in 2018 and 2020. We need to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.

If we do this we WILL hold the House and flip two more Senate seats. Anyone telling you this is impossible is part of the problem—don’t trust them. All of the reports of doom are based on what happens in a “normal” midterm cycle. This is NOT a normal time and everyone knows it.

Once we do this we will have enough real Democrats in place to overcome the filibuster and pass the Women’s Heath Protection Act. (Not to mention real gun legislation, climate legislation, court expansion, and a bunch of other things we need existentially.)

We really can do this.

Please, even if thus far you’ve never done it, sign up to help a campaign today, y’all. I know this is out of most of our comfort zones, and I know we’re all tired. But think of those pictures you’ve seen of moms lifting cars up to save their child—adrenaline and instinct are remarkable fuels. Summon them now. This is about saving our kids, and our democracy, and our country. And only we can do it.

I’ll say it again: No one is coming to save us. AND we can save ourselves. Let’s do that.

P.S. It just so happens I am doing my Activism 101 workshop for a small group tonight at 6 PDT. I will be describing ways to easily help win races this November. If you or anyone you know wants to join you are welcome. I promise it’ll help you feel better. The zoom link is here. It runs just under an hour.

Call Your Senators (find yours here)

Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is ______.

I’m furious about the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Absolutely sickened. This court is no longer functioning as intended. It is in no way independent. It has been hijacked by religious extremists who are overriding the will of the majority of Americans on issue after issue. We need major court reform and we need it now. Will the Senator support S 1141 the Judiciary Act to add more justices to the Supreme Court? [If yes thank. If no, or if you’re leaving a VM add:] If not I will work to vote them out. It’s that simple. We are in a battle for the soul of our country. The Senator is either helping or they’re part of the problem. Please let me know their position. Thanks.

Call Your House Rep (find yours here)

Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is _______.

I’m furious about the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Absolutely sickened. This court is no longer functioning as intended. It is in no way independent. It has been hijacked by religious extremists who are overriding the will of the majority of Americans on issue after issue. We need major court reform and we need it now. Will the Senator support HR 2584 the Judiciary Act to add more justices to the Supreme Court? [If yes thank. If no, or if you’re leaving a VM add:] If not I will work to vote them out. It’s that simple. We are in a battle for the soul of our country. The Senator is either helping or they’re part of the problem. Please let me know their position. Thanks.

Extra Credit ✅

[Thanks to reader Helen F for this action']

Let’s reach out to the newly elected head of the FDA, Dr Robert Califf, and ask him to immediately make birth control available over the counter. A few senators recently sent him a letter—it can be found here—asking him to do just that.

Sample email, if helpful:

Dear Dr. Califf, Several US Senators reached out to you in March of this year requesting that you take action to make birth control available over the counter. This change is long overdue and will ensure everyone has access to this safe, effective medication. With Roe v Wade now overturned the need for you to take this action has grown exponentially more urgent. Please put the citizens of this country first and take immediate action. Thanks!

Fight Fox News! 😈

Since August 2021, rain or shine, Truth Tuesdays has been protesting Fox’s lies on the public plaza in front of their Manhattan headquarters. The protests have an ever-growing media and social media presence. The folks at Defenders of Democracy Against Disinformation (DDAD) are hoping they can help make the July 12, 10-11am protest the biggest and loudest ever.

Please join the July 12th protest at Fox Plaza if you’re in the New York City area. If you’re not? Please let your NYC friends know about it!

Or protest close to home: gather four friends to protest with you anytime July 11th-15th and DDAD will send you a banner to display on a busy street or overpass wherever you live. (Use the banner after that whenever the spirit moves you!)

Give 💰!


So, want to help flip a Senate seat in NC AND help hold our statehouse seats there?

Please join me, All In For NC, The Next 50, Senate Circle, Swing Blue Alliance, and Sister District for a fundraising event (you don’t have to give much!) with NC State Senator Sydney Batch. Hers is a SUPER important race! It’s also going to be tough, and expensive. But supporting Senator Batch now is a great investment heading into key US Senate and Presidential races in 2022 and 2024.

The fundraiser is on Monday, June 27th, 5-6 PDT. Sign up here. Again, you can give $1 to attend if that’s what you can afford.

Senator Batch will discuss her priorities, district, and the dynamics of her reelection campaign. 100% of our donations will go directly to help Sydney hire talent and build a winning campaign. Can’t come? Can you give any amount here? THIS MATTERS!!

Win Races! 🗳

Y’all, Sister District is the best organization I know offering volunteer opportunities to help win statehouse races in critical states. EVERYTHING is going to come down to the states now. Everything. If you haven’t phonebanked before this is an easy first time thing.

Please go here and sign up for one of their phonebanks. They will train you and support you the whole time.

Hope is an action. Please sign up.

Resistbot Text (new to Resistbot? Go here! And then here.)

[to all 3 reps] [Quick send: text SIGN PXFDAP to 50409]

I’m furious and sickened by today's ruling from the Supreme Court. Striking down Roe v Wade is just the latest example of their growing partisanship and religious extremism. We are not safe as long as this court continues to wield their power this corruptly.

Congress needs to institute Court reforms. To start, they should pass the Judiciary Act (S 1141/ HR 2584) to expand the number of judges on the court; they also need to pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act (S 4177/HR 7706).

This is urgent. Our system of laws rests upon the idea that the Supreme Court is impartial. Ours absolutely is not. Do something about it. Thanks.

OK, you did it again! You helped save democracy! You’re amazing.

Talk tomorrow.



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