Youth vote turning states blue
The loss of millions of baby boomers in the U.S. voter population results in a much hazier outlook for Trump's 2024 Election odds.
As political pundits and analysts continue to monitor and discuss the wide array of legal battles faced by former President Donald Trump, they've ignored one major statistic that is morbid but extremely crucial: The largest base of Trump's support is dying-off by thousands each day, while his largest opposing bloc continues to expand.
The end of Baby Boomer-dominated election voting participation and the new era of younger voters can't be avoided, no matter how many witty insults or nicknames Trump creates to attack his opponents in a primary or general election.Trump’s top supporters, members of the baby boomer generation are dying by the thousands each day, all while Democrats inherit new young voters every day. The average is 5,300 baby boomers dying each day. There will be approximately 7.7 million fewer baby boomers by 2024, and 18 million fewer since 2016. That’s a landslide difference when you consider that Millennials and Generation Z will constitute the largest election-day active voting block in 2024.
The hemorrhaging of Trump’s most reliable coalition started years ago.In the 2020 Presidential Election, younger voters increased their turnout by almost 11 points compared to 2016. And Biden won younger voters by a staggering 26 points. Some data experts said the increase in younger voter participation was the specific reason three states swung from red to blue. In the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff, among 220,000 newly registered voters, almost half were under the age of 30, and those under 30 voted Democrat by a 31-point margin.
Even when Trump’s approval rating was at its highest levels during his first year in office, his support among voters under the age of 40 typically ranged between 12 to 15 points lower than voters over the age of 40. These stats take on extra weight when you consider the fact that potential Republican Primary Election rivals such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would be under 50 and South Carolina Tim Scott, a member of Generation X, would be 58, decades younger than Trump and President Biden. During Ron DeSantis' record-breaking re-election victory in Florida, he won more support from young voters, which could play a crucial role in keeping Florida red in 2024.If you don’t believe in the power of energized young voters, just recall the 2008 and 2012 election, when a comparatively young Obama dominated the youth vote.
donald trump2024millennialsbaby boomersgeneration z
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