The Issue
Utahns deserve to maintain a high quality of life, but often, our senior citizens who have worked to earn their retirement face unique challenges to living a fulfilling and independent life. All Utahns need quality healthcare, but Utah seniors often require focused information and services that are complex to understand and difficult to access. Employers too often do not seriously consider hiring seniors who want or need to continue to work, representing one type of common discrimination that hurts members of our community. Many older Utahns lack access to social and legal services or knowledge, which can lead to abuse or neglect by people trusted with their care. Utah Democrats commit to understanding and addressing the needs of Utah’s older citizens.
Our Position
Utah Democrats call on our federal legislators to protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts that would destabilize seniors’ well-being and deprive Americans of benefits they have earned. We believe that our state and local authorities must ensure easy and affordable access to public transit for older Utahns. Our justice and financial systems must remain vigilant of the risk of abuse of senior citizens, and we must have strong laws that protect seniors’ health, housing, and finances from those who would take advantage of their trust. We know that our family members and neighbors who have worked throughout their lives to improve our country and state deserve dignity and our support as they age and require special care to maintain a quality life.