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Ruthless Republicans

The Spectrum Published 5:30 p.m. MT Nov. 12, 2017

Calloused disregard for the majority of us is now rampant in the Republican Party. Virtually every essential aspect of our lives is under assault — even life itself.

GOP intransigence on gun control is symptomatic of their self-serving reckless agenda. In addition to undermining our bedrock democratic institutions, most of the Trump/GOP policies and legislation are and will cause untold hardship for most of us. Contorted health care schemes by which millions lose insurance and thousands die; sabotaging the ACA by slashing subsidies; withholding CHIP health insurance from children; tax reform with drastic cuts to social and other vital programs along with higher taxes for the middle class and the poor; denying climate change that is leading to worldwide upheaval; weakening consumer protection laws; rolling back essential EPA regulations; usurping iconic public lands for extractive industries; the ineffective response to the disaster in Puerto Rico; and on and on ad nauseam.

These injustices are and will cause massive hardship — all to benefit the wealthy elite, the GOP paymasters, at our expense. The GOP is clearly the party of cruelty and suffering. We must change that in 2018.

Linda Callison


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